<span style="font-size:14px">In order to control costs and to increase market share, 1st phase project has the land acquisition of 413.42 mu, and an investment of 280 million RMB. Chaoyang Raw Material Base has been established with the production line of 80,000 tons/year.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size:14px">By means of using advanced production technology, the chlorination system production has become more smooth and steady, production cycle has been extended further, failure rate has been reduced, and production capacity has been significantly increased. Raw Material of Titanium Sponge for headquarter will be self-sufficient by reaching the design capacity.&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span style="font-size:14px">By reaching this design capacity the output will be around 490 million RMB, profit &amp; taxation will be 35 million RMB, and there will be over 120 new jobs.</span></p> " />


Chaoyang Raw Material Base Construction


In order to control costs and to increase market share, 1st phase project has the land acquisition of 413.42 mu, and an investment of 280 million RMB. Chaoyang Raw Material Base has been established with the production line of 80,000 tons/year.

By means of using advanced production technology, the chlorination system production has become more smooth and steady, production cycle has been extended further, failure rate has been reduced, and production capacity has been significantly increased. Raw Material of Titanium Sponge for headquarter will be self-sufficient by reaching the design capacity. 

By reaching this design capacity the output will be around 490 million RMB, profit & taxation will be 35 million RMB, and there will be over 120 new jobs.

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